Choose Jesus Today

Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." John 14:6

remember now thy creator!

It is very easy to get caught up in the hustle, bustle, and demands of daily life and focus a lot on what is happening with us as well as around us. We get busy and have so much to do for ourselves; before long it turns into no time for the Lord.  We must never take our eyes off of Jesus or focus more on our own affairs and concerns.  Time is short and before you take a second blink it is gone along with your youth.  NOW is the time to live for our Creator while we still have the time and strength to do so.

King Solomon had the right idea when he wrote, “Don’t let the excitement of your youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say ‘Life is not pleasant anymore.’” Ecclesiastes 12:1 NLT.  Solomon was a wise king who knew first-hand the result of focusing a lot of time and energy in things for his own pleasure. He started off well, at first, obeying the Lord. Over time, however, Solomon made unwise decisions that caused him to turn away from the Lord. As an old man, Solomon looked back over his life and was sorry that he lived in a self-gratifying fashion.

Life is constant, but time is shorter than we have any idea. As young people, we have energy, sharpness of mind, and good health. As we get older and become elderly, our bodies break down resulting in health problems, loss of energy, forgetfulness, and other things. Solomon explains this more throughout Ecclesiastes, chapter 12.  We can do more for the Lord while we are young; therefore, we need to allow him to fully use us for His glory. This does not mean that older people can’t serve the Lord. Many people of all ages are living for the Lord, and He uses us regardless of physical limitations. 

We are all here for a reason that does not include living to please ourselves. If we give our lives completely to the Lord while we are young and physically able, then we will have more time to positively impact the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Live for him now by choosing Jesus today and every day!

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God bless!

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